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Dr. Jeff Kolovsky
Oct 15, 20201 min read
Choisissez les orthèses plutôt que les inserts
Voici un article intéressant intitulé "Ai-je besoin d'orthèses de chaussures?" de WebMD. Il décrit les différences entre l'utilisation...

Dr. Jeff Kolovsky
Oct 15, 20201 min read
Choose Orthotics Over Inserts
Here is an interesting article titled “Do I Need Shoe Orthotics?” from WebMD. It outlines the differences between using an insert versus...

Dr. Jeff Kolovsky
Jul 18, 20181 min read
How to Find a Valuable Solution to Common Sports Injuries
According to Statistics Canada, “35% of injuries occurred during participation in some type of sports or exercise. Two–thirds (66%) of...
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